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How can we fix this?



We require an alternative method to keeping unwanted shark species away from NSW beaches. Luckily there are more modern pieces of technology that can push us into the future and leave shark nets in the past. These alternatives to shark nets can hopefully reduce the risk to wildlife while also improving our safety.


Just a few of these alternatives include...

Sonar Clever Buoy

Sonar Clever Buoy

The sonar clever buoy is able to detect an underwater activity. They are equipped with a multi-beam sonar and an antenna. The sonar detects unexpected movement underwater and the antenna sends an alert to a spotter on the beach. It has the ability to spot sharks who have previously been tagged. These are quite expensive however they are much safer for the environment and are much more effective.


Electromagnetic fields

Electromagnetic fields


This system is a little more complicated than any other the other proposed alternatives however its effectiveness is very high. Electrodes float from the top of the water to the bottom floor. They emit electromagnetic fields that deter sharks and other harmful animals from approaching beach. They have no potential to harm the animals however they do not have a 100% success rate at deterring sharks from a beach. They are however relatively cheap and can run off a solar powered battery that sits on a beach. They are also safer for the environment and more effective at preventing sharks attacks when compared to shark nets.



The way we intend to prevent shark deaths by shark nets is by spreading awareness. Awareness is key. There is a stigma associated with the death of sharks due to the negative light casted by the media. People are not considerate or sympathising with the large amount of deaths due to these shark nets purely because the media has made these people scared of the poor creatures. My hope is to spread the word and get it out to people of power. If you would like to assist in the process, please sign the petition below and have your say in saving the sharks.


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